We find a deliberate, and pleasurable, progression in how progress, service, and innovation are expressed in the progress economy. Each including and building on the previous.
Progress sits, as expected, at the base. It is a process, i.e. a series of activities, that move over time move the progress seeker to a more desirable state. That is to say, progress seekers attempt to make progress. And this state comprises of functional and non-functional elements, informed by context.
- Individual progress seekers uniquely and phenomenologically determine whether to attempt making progress.
- And they similarly uniquely and phenomenologically determine how much progress has been made at any point in time. And if that progress is enough.
- Be aware that the desirable state can evolve over time. Usually reflecting new information gained from performing activities or from external sources.
- Value is another name for achieved progress.
Service is an offer – a progress proposition – by an entity/ecosystem to help make specific progress. It is a process made up of a series of activities to move over time the progress seeker to a more desirable state. These activities usually take place as attempts to integrate seeker resources with entity/ecosystem resources (in the form of a service mix).
- Individual progress seekers uniquely and phenomenologically determine whether to engage with a particular proposition in an attempt to make. They look for sufficient potential progress in the proposition counterbalanced with low enough barriers to engage.
- Those individual seekers overwhelmingly and phenomenologically determine how much progress has been made at any point in time (achieved progress). And if that progress is enough.
- However, the proposition owner can also determine that the making of progress is being hindered, for example through the seeker misusing offered resources, and so terminate the service. This, though, is less common.
Innovation is then the acts of creating, implementing, and offering new progress propositions. These new propositions need to:
- help progress seekers make progress better than they can currently, and/or
- reduce barriers that have until now been dissuading progress seekers to engage with propositions
They can be new to the enterprise, market, industry, or world. And they must support the long term survivability of the enterprise/ecosystem making the offer.

Other thoughts
The size of change to desired state.