Category: Foundation Layer

The foundation layer of the progress economy is where we find the underpinning tooling.

Here you will find four tools:

  • Value-through-progress

    The progress economy reframes value creation by focusing on progress rather than static value. Progress is seen as a dynamic movement towards a more desirable state, with value emerging as this progress is made. This approach encourages systematic innovation by addressing progress hurdles and recognizing the complexities and multifaceted nature of value creation.

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  • Value-in-use

    The value-in-use model emphasizes incremental value creation through the active use of value propositions, solving blind spots present in the traditional value-in-exchange model. It focuses on service as the key driver of value, promoting adaptability and well-being without the goods versus services debate. Progress relies on beneficiary judgment, dialogue, and resource integration, encouraging continuous value co-creation and innovation.

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  • Value-in-Exchange

    The traditional value-in-exchange model has been wildly successful. But its narrow focus on a point of exchange and difficulties in defining what value actually is now hinders growth. Sadly, this model encourages incremental over radical innovation, and has blind spots, missing out on opportunities before and after exchanges, and hinders the shift to a circular economy.

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  • Service Exchange

    What we’re thinking We see a world where we exchange service – helping others make progress – rather than exchanging value; and, actually, where value emerges from progress made. Some service exchanges are direct between two parties; though most appear to be indirect – for example frozen in goods or transitive in nature. Actors need […]

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  • Phenomenological

    What we’re thinking: Phenomeno-what? I’m with you, what a mouthful! Think of it as the baggage you bring to a decision – all your lived experiences together with what you’re experiencing at the decision/judgement point (your living experience). It’s why you might hate a particular proposition right now, but loved it yesterday; or why you’ll […]

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  • Resources – carriers of capabilities

    What we’re thinking Resources are the fundamental component of the progress economy. We stumble when we lack them; integrate them in order to make progress ((co-) creating value as we do so); and offer them to others in exchange for service we need (often indirectly) They are integrateable carriers of capabilities, often skills and knowledge, […]

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  • Progress as a verb and a state transition

    What we’re thinking Progress is a verb – a seeker moving over time from their progress origin to their more desired state of progress sought. And since progress origin and progress sought are progress states, we can also think of progress as a state transition. It is a journey a seeker can attempt on their […]

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  • Progress as a State

    What we’re thinking Progress is a state – a snapshot comprising three elements, namely: Discovering and understanding all three elements is critical for understanding seeker’s desires, making progress, progress propositions, value, and pursuing successful innovation. Failing to do so may lead to the next super-market self checkouts… Progress as a state Progress as a state […]

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  • Progress as a noun

    What we’re thinking We find it beneficial to name some specific progress states. Firstly, these named states serve as waypoints describing a seeker’s journey on progress attempts. Secondly, they help us explore and explain value in the progress economy; explaining Drucker’s famous quote: Innovate or die Without further delay, let’s delve into the five commonly used named […]

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  • The Real Actors of The Progress Economy

    Meet the exciting actors staring as the cast in this season’s new take on innovation and growth in the progress economy! Here they are, and the stage they act upon. Progress SeekerS The star of the progress economy: the progress seeker. They are always looking to make progress; moving over time to more desirable states; […]

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