Location – a resource mix element
Editing below here Secondly there are those physical resources where progress is made. Such as buildings. The hospital where operations take place, for example. And we can think of elements in this category in terms of Bitner’s servicescapes. innovating physical resources Servicescapes can always be innovated. And often this will be tied to non-functional progress – […]
Goods – a resource mix element
Editing below here Goods are examples of operand resources. Remember that in order to make progress with these types of resources, they must be acted upon. They are usually physical, tangible objects. Although we can have digital goods such as digital films, music, and e-books, etc. The distinguishing feature of goods in the progress economy is that […]
Data – a resource mix elementData –
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Systems – a resource mix element
Editing below here When we talk about systems in the progress resource mix, we’re once more referring to outward-facing systems rather than internal. That is, systems with which seekers interact in order to attempt making progress. The new client interfaces of the updated den Hertog model above. And we find that systems can be either […]
Employees – a resource mix element
What we’re thinking Employees are the human resources of the helper. As operant resources they act on other resources in an attempt to make progress. Some employees may be offered in the progress resource mix, such as: nurses, teachers, cleaners, traffic wardens, consultants, sales team and so on. Typically the capabilities carried by employees leveraged […]
Lack of resource – a progress hurdle
What we’re thinking Often progress seekers lack the resources needed to make progress: skills, knowledge, tools, maybe strength, time, etc. This is the fundamental progress hurdle in the progress economy – the lack of resources progress hurdle. Seekers may be innovative and create new resources, or reuse existing resources in novel ways. Or they may […]
Progress Resource Mix
Enterprises/ecosystems offer a mix of resources for a seeker to integrate with when attempting to make progress. This service mix comprises a specific combination of: goods, physical resources, systems, and people. Altering the blend of the service mix is a source of innovation.