The Progress Economy

fixing innovation, sales, and firing up growth

Category: Foundation Layer

The foundation layer of the progress economy is where we find the underpinning tooling.

Here you will find four tools:

  • Understanding Progress

    What we’re thinking Progress – a deceptively simple concept – is the beating heart of the progress economy. We are all trying to make progress in everything in our lives. Learning, moving, fixing, getting nourishment, are just some examples. We’ll define it as: progress: moving, over time, to a more desirable state When we focus first on progress, rather than value, […]

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  • What is value?

    What we’re thinking Our traditional view of value, whilst having been wildly successful, has issues that hinder innovation and growth. Value is something we all try and maximise. It shapes how we act in our world. But what is it? Initially, it may feel straightforward to define. However, once you start thinking, value quickly unravels […]

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