The Progress Economy

fixing innovation, sales, and firing up growth

  • Our traditional value model (value-in-exchange) has been wildly successful…
  • …but it has innovation and growth blind spots:
    • before, after, and across a point of exchange
    • a goods vs services mentality
  • …and a poor, hard to leverage, definition of value

where PROGRESS PROPOSITIONS are bundles of supplementary resources, offering to reduce a seeker’s initial ”lack of resource” hurdle to making progress

  • Propositions sit on a continuum between:
    • enabling
    • relieving
  • …based on who performs the majority of progress-making activities
  • Progress is now a joint endeavour; value is co-created

* (lack of resource), adoptability, resistance, lack of confidence, misalignment on continuum, equitable exchange

…all leading us to a more ACTIONABLE definition of INNOVATION and a set of innovation levers – deceptively simply, and based on improving progress


innovation: creating and executing new – to the individual, firm, market, industry or world – progress proposition(s) that offer some combination of:

whilst maintaining, or improving, the survivability of the innovator (individual, organisation, ecosystem, service system)

And the progress economy reveals a variety of levers making innovation more systematic, not least:

  • altering the resource mix
  • improving individual resources
  • moving along the continuum
  • responding more individualistic to progress
  • reducing progress hurdles
  • enhancing progress-making activities

one of the biggest challenges…to transition from linear to circular is that it requires…revisiting the very notion of value creation

Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2023) “From ambition to action: an adaptive strategy for circular design
  • Traditional Value-in-exchange thinking (embedexchangedestroy) encourages the linear economy of takemakewaste
  • Value-through-progress thinking frees us from the distracting focus on a moment of exchange
    • Firing up the circular economy…if that is the progress being sought

selected cases and examples

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